About Me

At Cleveshakes.com, I go through the life, works, and legacy of the Bard, exploring everything from his timeless plays and sonnets to the vibrant festivals held in his honor around the globe.

My Mission

My mission at Cleveshakes.com is to inspire a love and appreciation for Shakespeare’s works.

I believe that Shakespeare’s themes of love, ambition, betrayal, and redemption are as relevant today as they were in the 16th century, and I strive to make these connections accessible to all my readers.

My Story

I’m Richard Martins, and I’ve dedicated my life to studying and sharing the works of William Shakespeare.

With a background in English literature and years of experience teaching and writing about Shakespeare, I bring a deep knowledge and passion to everything I do here at Cleveshakes.com.

I believe that Shakespeare’s works are not just to be read, but to be experienced, and I’m excited to share that experience with you.

What I Offer

On Cleveshakes.com, you’ll find:

  • Detailed Analyses: In-depth explorations of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets, uncovering the layers of meaning and historical context behind each work.
  • Festival Coverage: Information on Shakespeare festivals worldwide, from the bustling streets of Stratford-upon-Avon to local celebrations in small towns, helping you find the nearest event to immerse yourself in the Bard’s world.
  • Educational Resources: Guides and resources for students, teachers, and Shakespeare enthusiasts, including study tips, lesson plans, and more.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, discussion forums, and opportunities for readers to share their thoughts and interpretations of Shakespeare’s works.

At my editorial policy, you can learn more about my modus operandi.

Join Our Community

At Cleveshakes.com, we’re more than just a website – we’re a community of Shakespeare lovers.

I encourage you to join the conversation, share your insights, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Your feedback and participation help us grow and continue to provide the content you love.